This is only my second video, so please be gentle.
Using I’ve gathered some of the tweets from desperate, disappointed or even angry twitterers after’s nasty downtime last Wednesday.
Which program and on which hardware I made the video is not important, at least not now, but it’s a part of my quest for the Apple.
Of course, this could also be Robert Scoble and other twitter super users (Fake Steve Jobs calls them twittertards) fault. I doubt it though. They just need a solid backbone and some better infrastructure.
I say that without knowing what their problem is, but my guess is just as good as blaming someone else.
Anyhoo I just wanted to show you this little video I made the other day. I’ve uploaded it to Viddler and YouTube.
The song is Alana Taylor’s Twitter Song. Thank you very much for letting me use it.
30 May, 2008
Twitter, Web 2.0