I continue the “Linking by Petersen Inc.”-tradition each Tuesday. Today it is my little sister’s birthday, I celebrate that with these fast links. (Happy Birthday Sandra).
- How to find a Guest Blogger for your Blog - I am still looking for a few guest bloggers. I think it could be really interesting. Let me know if you are interested.
- Zero Dollars a Little Talent and Thirty Days eBook - Is a compilation of Jennifer Laycock’s article series of the same name as she tries to start an online business in 30 days without spending a dime. Great reading.
- Top 10 Clues that You are an Amateur Blogger - *GULP* If you can’t handle the truth don’t go here.
- WPzipper - Select the plugins you want and generate a complete WordPress installation zip file. No more downloading the same plugins every time you start a new WordPress blog.
- Top 10 Best Free WordPress Templates - So many cool and well-made templates to choose from. I don’t know where to start.
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22 May, 2007