Show Me Your Desktop, David Airey

12 August, 2007

What's On Your Computer

Last week I interviewed Randa Clay from Randa Clay Design. This week it’s David Airey from’s turn. He runs his own design business and I’m suspecting him of having a “logo-fetish”. I was Stumbling around the other day, only to discover David’s face on a lot of the pages I found. It was because of the MyBlogLog widget on various pages, that I knew. He is also the creator of the only meme-list, The Face Behind The Blog, I’ve ever participated in and I’m glad I did. I still get link love from it, even though it’s almost three months old.

To celebrate his blog’s 1 year anniversary, he is running a graphic design / marketing / branding / SEO / blogging prize giveaway. If you have any prizes to offer, David would like to hear from you.

Of course a big concept like “Show Me Your Desktop” is constantly evolving, so I’ve added a bonus question again this week.

1. What is your background picture?

Great Wall of China

2. Why did you chose that picture?

It’s a photo I took and I love to think back to that time

3. If you have a personal and a work computer, which program do you use the most on your personal computer?

Probably Firefox or Outlook. Websites and emails take up more personal time than any design projects.

4. Which program do you use the most on your work computer?

When working I use InDesign most, although Photoshop and Illustrator are both up there too

5. Internet Explorer or Firefox?

I browse the web using Firefox and Opera, but still use IE for checking page layouts

6. Why do you use IE or FF?

I find the extensions and plugins available for Firefox very useful

7. What is your favourite program?

Adobe’s Creative Suite - it’s hard to choose just one so I’ll say the whole suite

8. Which program is the worst?

Probably Powerpoint or Paint. God bless Microsoft.

9. Do you have any tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your computer or blog?

Be sure to dust your computer from time to time. Especially if you have an allergy.

Bonus question:

Randa kinda surprised me last week. I noticed that she uses a PC. I thought most designers were Mac-fans. So which side are you on? Mac or PC? And Why?

I use both. I’m actually on a PC at the minute. The Mac vs PC debate is one that I don’t get involved in, mainly because they’re just tools. All good design starts with an idea, and whether you use a PC or Mac, the software is exactly the same.

Thank you very much, David. I’ll remember to dust my PC from time to time….

Next week it’s Aprit Jacob from’s turn. Arpit recently won the Sandbox design contest.

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  • David Airey :: Graphic Designer

    Thanks very much for considering me here, Dennis. I just realised that I sent you a different desktop image from the one I describe in my answers. Oh well, I guess a lot of designers have more than one computer.

    Happy Sunday!

  • Brown Baron

    Haha I looked at the screenshot and said to myself, “funny, but that doesn’t look like the great wall”

  • Dennis Bjørn Petersen

    I think it’s hiding behind the hills either that or David is messing with us

  • David Airey :: Graphic Designer

    It’s over to the left, just off-screen. Curse those narrow-angle lenses.

  • Dennis Bjørn Petersen

    hehe. Yeah… You shouldn’t be too cheap when buying a camera

  • OOM

    Couldn’t find it, but this doesn’t mean it’s not there. Firefox, huh?

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