Show Me Your Desktop Gets A New Name

I’m about to start season 3 of Show Me Your Desktop, but as any good interviewer I spent quite some time researching.

In my “research” I contacted Scott Beale from Laughing Squid. I wanted to interview him. This is what he replied.

Honestly, I never actually see or even use my desktop anymore. It seems like a dated concept at this point.

That made me think. I regularly change the background on my desktop, but I rarely see it. So why do I change the background or even ask people to share their’s if it’s a dated concept?

We had a small mail conversation and Scott suggested that I renamed the entire series. He suggested “What’s On Your Computer”, inspired by the flickr’s What’s in your bag.

So from now on “Show Me Your Desktop” is called “What’s On Your Computer” or “The Interview Series Formerly Known As Show Me Your Desktop”.

How often do you see your own desktop? How often do you change your background?

Again, thank you very much for the input Scott Beale from Laughing Squid.

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This post was written by:

Dennis Bjørn Petersen - who has written 398 posts on The Beta News.

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  • Hi,
    The blog is interesting. Perhaps the desktop concept is outdated, but every time I lock my Windows XP at work I at least see my desktop picture.
    At the moment a beautiful frosty tree is reminding me of nice cold winters. ;-)
  • Perhaps the desktop concept is outdated, but every time I lock my Windows XP at work I at least see my desktop picture.
    At the moment a beautiful frosty tree is reminding me of nice cold winters. ;-)
  • Perhaps the desktop concept is outdated, but every time I lock my Windows XP at work I at least see my desktop picture.
    At the moment a beautiful frosty tree is reminding me of nice cold winters. ;-)
  • you really should change the logo from the default one your brought
  • Well I look forward to it, regardless of what it's called.
  • Well I'll agree that it's a concept that is on the retreat these days. Personally I see mine a lot. I usually work with 3 screens. 2 linked on my main computer, and my laptop open next to it.

    So I see my desktop reasonably often. Plus I often leave it if it's doing some rendering video work in the background with a nice picture the rest of the family can enjoy. (which gives me more freedom to leave it on)

    -Christian Juliussen
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