Tag Archives: search engine

Bush’s Robots.txt Vs. Obama’s Robots.txt

21 January, 2009


If you run a blog or a website you probably know what a robots.txt file is, so you can skip the next line. It’s a small text file that tells search engine what to include and not to include in their indexing of your site. As you might have noticed or read www.whitehouse.gov has been [...]

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5 Useful Websites That Will Help You Go Green

8 September, 2008


Have you ever wondered how much your energy your website consumes? How much solar potential your roof has? Where can I buy “green” products? The sites I’ve found all, of course, all in beta.

I’ve previously written about green gadgets, such as cell phones, Roadster and notebooks, so in this post I’ll focus on websites that will help you go green.

We all know that green is the new black. Many companies adopt a green strategy and  green IT is very hot and hyped in the IT business.

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