Test The Latest Flock Release

Mon, Jul 9, 2007

Beta, Social Media

Flock has released the latest beta version of their popular social browser.

The version is called 0.9 ( and it is a great step forward compared to Flock 0.7. I’m really excited about the final version 1.0, which is to be released later this year (around fall).

I’ve become a even great Flockstar (fan) after the upgrade.

If you compare version 0.7 to 0.9 a lot has happened:

Some of the more interesting features:
My World

This is your home base. My World collects all the things you care about - your favorite sites, feeds and media streams.


Flock lets you know when new media streams, feeds and search engines are available on the page you are visiting.


Flock Icons glow when your favorited feeds, media or streams have new content posted.

You can see the comparison between Flock 0.7 and 0.9 here

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